E - newsletter tips for therapists

E - newsletter tips for therapists

1. Sending out newsletters is one of the best ways of building relationships with clients. 


Email is the quickest and cheapest type of communicating with clients. You need to make sure your email newsletters aren't too heavily sales based. Make sure they don't over deliver on content, keep it simple. Include free tips and tricks for clients, that way they will look forward to new interesting information.

2. Your regular newsletters are doing more than you think 


They are relationship building with you and your clients. Try to send them each month, or every quarter, whatever you decide keep consistency. Even if you run out of time, send something, even if its a short tip for the week. If you find it hard to keep consistency, allocate an hour to write several tips in advance, and schedule them for certain weeks. Correspond the tips with treatment offers, i.e. Tips for keeping a manicure looking fresh for two weeks, whilst you have an offer on nail treatments.


3. Ensure your client database is up to date


Every single new client or enquiry should be added onto your list. That way you are likely to get the best coverage and more of a response. Go through old client cards and ask every new enquiry if they want to be on your mailing list.


4. Statistics show that most people only read one in every four emails. 


If you chose to send a newsletter, it's likely that clients are only reading one in four. This doesn't mean you should drop your frequency down. Keep it consistent and know that you are least getting one quality bit of contact with your clients.


5. Clients unsubscribing from newsletters


It's very common with email marketing that clients will unsubscribe when they are too busy to read your emails. It's also very common for clients to re-subscribe later when they have more time. Always be polite and never take an un-subscription personally.


6. Get your friends and family on mailing list


Make sure you add family and friends onto your mailing list. They will be your best promoters and your worst critics. If there is anything wrong, they will let you know. Having them on your mailing list means that they can then forward the information onto their friends and family too.


7. Encourage clients to forward on your e-newsletters to friends


The more people  you have finding out about your services, the quicker your business will grow. Make sure at the bottom of your newsletter you let anyone know they can subscribe and how they to. Create a subscription link to drive traffic to your website. If you're sending emails manually from your computer, have a short paragraph at the bottom. I.e. 'Been forwarded this email and want to subscribe yourself? Just email us at xxx'

8. Include a feature regularly


Offer clients a voucher or free gift for a friend. That way clients will want to open your newsletters, as they may contain offers that they can use.



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