
Ayur meaning, life and Vedic meaning knowledge of science studies of life, to give a complete way of life. 
Ayurvedic defines life as a combination of: – senses, mind, body and soul, and that health is a state of balance and disease is imbalance. 

The body is seen as being made up of the following five elements and the soul...

Prithvi or earth
Apa or water 
Tejas or fire 
Vayu or air 
Alcash or space

Ayurvedic studies the balance of life and describes...

Advantageous and disadvantageous states of life
Happy and unhappy states of life 
What is good or bad for life 
Span of life

As long as these points remain balanced the person will remain healthy. 

In brief, Ayurvedic identifies 3 functional principles or types of energy...

1. Vata – energy of movement / compared to air 

2. Pitta – energy of digestion / metabolism / compared to fire 

3. Kapha – energy of structure / compared to mucus waters 

We all have qualities from all 3 areas but usually one is prominent. Ayurvedic in a very detailed fashion works through a person’s lifestyle to gain the best balance possible.