Craniosecral therapy

This therapy is considered as a subtle holistic healing form, not only working on structural change in the body but also affecting bodily functions, the mind and spirit.

Dr William Sutherland, an American Osteopath in the early 1900s, founded Craniosecral therapy. Sutherland discovered movement of the skull bones resulted in different rhythmic tidal motions in the body, which directly reflected the state of health of the bodily systems, mental and emotional states. 

Delicate scientific instruments are used to measure and record the tidal motions in the body, with the aim of freeing restrictions of movement to allow the body to heal itself. 

Almost everyone is suited to Craniosecral therapies from babies, children, adults and the elderly with treatment sessions ranging between 40 to 60 minutes at weekly intervals. 

Craniosecral therapy is not the same as Cranial Osteopathy; the latter firstly do their training in osteopathy, a more mechanical approach. Craniosecral therapy does not separate physiological and psychological.