Face Masks

There is a huge variety of face masks available to use at home. They vary in texture, ingredients and effect. It is important to use the most suitable for your skin type and the use of an incorrect product may upset the balance of the skin. Examples of some of the basic types of masks available are Clay-based, Non setting/Biological and Peel-off. 

Clay based are designed to set on the skin, they are used for deep cleansing as they draw out impurities absorbing surface oils and dead skin cells. Normally not suitable for any skin that tends to be dry. 

Non-setting/Biological masks tend to be much kinder to the skin, normally consisting of natural ingredients from plants, herbs and fruits. These treat the skin’s surface, deep cleanse, but do not draw out any moisture so the skin will not feel tight afterwards. 

Peel-off masks are normally light gel type formulations that set on the skin and gently peel off. Often consist of natural ingredients. 

More sophisticated masks are those that create heat in the skin or those applied with specialised active ingredients. These tend to be specialised and are only used with professional facials by a Beauty Therapist. The use of a face mask at the end of a facial helps to balance the skin after the intensive treatment. It can also calm the skin and refresh it, leaving it nourished and the texture refined. 

Face masks should be used at home on average once a week (this will depend on your skin type). Weekly use will help keep the skin surface free of dead skin cells (especially if used in conjunction with an exfoliant). 

Why would I need to use a face mask if I am already using an exfoliant? 

An exfoliant will lift off surface dead skin cells making your skin feel soft and smooth. However it does not have the ability to deep cleanse or balance your skin. A face mask has to absorb some dead skin cells before it can begin to work. If your skin routine includes an exfoliant followed by a face mask, the mask will be far more effective. The surface layer of your skin actually consists of 14 layers of dead skin cells that help protect against the invasion of bacteria. So it would not be sensible to try and remove them all. It is important to prevent build up and congestion by regularly removing the uppermost layers. 

My skin feels very stretchy and tight after the use of a face mask, is this normal? 

Absolutely not. The result you describe indicates that the natural moisture from your skin has been absorbed by the mask and your skin has been left dehydrated. The skin should feel refreshed and clean after a mask. Any skin that suffers from dryness, flaky patches and or tightness is not normally suitable for a setting mask