We have found that claims can arise where a therapist has previously used the same product on one client with no reaction, but on one occasion the client experiences a sudden bad reaction. This could result from a change in the clients medical history which has changed how sensitive the client is to that specific treatment.
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Top Tips
Keep records of treatments for a minimum of seven years - for minors, records must be kept for a further seven years after the age of consent (18 years old). We advise that you keep minors records indefinitely.
Keep records of every visit - this is always important even if the client is just coming in for a spray tan.
Note it down. It is best to note important information or problems on clients treatment record cards, case histories and brief medical history. Refer to these notes on subsequent visits before you treat the client and then ask the client if there have been any changes in medical history, making notes of any changes or noting that the client has confirmed there have been no changes.
Patch test it - refer to the product guidelines and our Good Practice Guide for guidelines on patch testing.
For the mobile therapists - if you are carrying out a treatment on someone else's property, make sure your treatment area is protected with a non-permeable mat to avoid any damage to property.
Medical conditions - certain medical conditions call for extra care when treating the client and treatments can be contra-indicated for certain medical conditions. For example, when working with diabetic clients, who may experience reduced sensitivity, you need to take precautions when using heated products or tools. For guidance on treating people with certain medical conditions, please refer to the Good Practice Guide for treating