Study finds techs earn less than hair stylists

Scratch Magazine - Study finds techs earn less than hair stylists

Recent rsearch by BABTAC has revealed that mobile hairdressers dominate the earning potential rankings in the hair and beauty industry, with nail technicians in sixth place. 

The poll found that the mobile side of the industry is £420 more lucrative as working within a salon environment per month, with hairdressers revealed as the breadwinners over their beauty counterparts. 

BABTAC quizzed 812 people following a previous poll that revealed that many young British women aspire to work in the hair and beauty field. All respondents were British, aged 18 or over and have worked full-time in the hair and beauty industry for a minimum of 12 months. There was an evem number of workers from each sector, including: hair, sports therapists, holistic therapists, waxing specialists, make-up artists, nail technicians and general beauty therapists. 

Initially, all respondents were asked to state how much money they were paid on a monthly basis. The results revealed the following average earnings: 

  1. Hairdressers - £1,850
  2. Beauty Therapists - £1,695
  3. Sports Therapists - £1, 458 
  4. Waxing Technicians - £1,390
  5. Holistic Therapists - £1,275
  6. Nail Technicians - £1,107

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