The Telegraph: Beauty Clinic

Beauty Clinic: the best ways to get rid of body hair

One of the most asked questions at this time of year is what is the best way to remove body hair. A decade ago beauty editors didn't write about excess hair; the subject was as off limits as psoriasis and warts. We are all sharing more now because cosmetic surgery and professional beauty have evolved. At the same time, there is better understanding of holistic health and there are more refined home treatments, all delivering real solutions to beauty unsexiest problems. It's a good thing. 

The catalyst for change came in the mid-1990's when lasers were refined for commercial use. They work by exposing the follicle to pulses of light, which kill it. Intense pulsed light (IPL) works the same way, using full-spectrum light and typically on larger areas. Both methods are longer-lasting, faster and more comfortable than electrolysis. So if your concern is greater, denser or more private than that which can be conveniently removed with a regular depilatroy, lasering/IPL is a neat, targeted solution; just be aware it can disturb the pigmentation of darker skin, which a good, accredited practitioner will explain to you (find one on the British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology website, babtac) 

To read the full article click here. 

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